
Beth, a bookish teenager, befriends Emilia, an aspiring novelist who has just arrived in town. Emilia soon begins an affair with Beth's father that threatens to have devastating consequences.

Directed by Niall MacCormick
Screenplay by Tamzin Rafn

Produced by Andrew Litvin & Adrian Sturges

Albatross Poster - small Jack C. Arnold - Original Music
Terry Davies - Conductor
Stephan Hodel - Orchestrator
Samuel Karl Bohn - Assistant to Composer
Hilary Skewes - Score Coordinator
Clarissa Farrán - Score Coordinator
Claire Freeman - Music Supervisor
Marc Marot - Music Supervisor

Cast: Julia Ormond, Felicity Jones,
Sebastian Koch, Harry Treadaway,
Pater Vaughan, Jessica Brown-Findlay

Editor - Mark Eckersley
Casting Director - Shaheen Baig
Production Designer - Paul Cripps
Set Decorator - Kathryn Pyle
Costume Designer - Charlotte Holditch

Albatross 1

Albatross 2

Albatross 3

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